Monday, December 31, 2007

new watercolours

Some ladies that I painted using watercolours. I wish i could scan them better, they seem to lose their vibrance or something through scanning.


Myke Bakich said...

Hey Jodi!

Nice Watercolours!

How are you doing? Whats New?

In response to the question you asked on my blog many moons ago :
I'm a Layout artist during the week and teaching life drawing on weekends. Unfortunalty my classes are from 2-5 so I miss out on subway sketching, However the terms done at the end of february, so I hope to see you there in March.

All the Best,


ALEXIS said...

thanx for your comment.
I could say the same of ur works, really like your water color sketches.

wish u all the best for what's coming next.

Tobias Schwarz said...

nice sketches!

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